Download PDF Los Milagros del Profeta Muhammad (Spanish Edition) (De La Coleccion Risale-I Nur)
You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. Download PDF Los Milagros del Profeta Muhammad (Spanish Edition) (De La Coleccion Risale-I Nur), this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
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Prominet scholars of Islam say that the evidences of Muhammad's prophethood and his miracles amount to about 1000. Countless people have affirmed it in their own particular ways, and the Qur'an itself provides thousands of such proofs. This book by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi talsk about some of the extraordinary incidents that happened at the time of prophet Muhammad in support of his divine mission, that is, calling people to Islam. Ilustrados y cultos eruditos indican que las senales y los indicios de la Mision Profetica de Muhammad asi como sus milagros ascienden a un número que se aproxima a mil. El renombrado erudito de la religion islamica Said Nursi nos ofrece de manera brillante un estudio exhaustivo de dichos milagros, para regocijo nuestro, ya que todas las evidencias, cualidades, y atributos relacionados con la Mision Profetica del resto de Profetas se pueden hallar de un modo mas perfecto y completo en la persona del profeta Muhammad.
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