Download The diary of Dr. Thomas Cartwright bishop of Chester; commencing at the time of his elevation to that see August M.DC.LXXXVI; and terminating with ... college Oxford October M.DC.LXXXVII.
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1843 Excerpt: ...Pinfold, and Mr. Peepes. The King spoke to me of the Bishop of Winchester. Mrs. Streames, Mr. Rowland and his wife, dined with me. I supped with the Bishop of Rochester, and found Mr. Ware and Mr. Tucker at my lodging. 28. I received of Mr. Rice Jones for the year's rent of Langathern, due at Lady day last, £18 (is. 8d. I went to the King's levee, and from thence to the Parliament House, where I sat till the prorogation to 22 November. From thence I went to dinner with Sir Richard Allebone in Serjeant's Inn, who gave me a ring.t After dinner I delivered my privy seal to be instated in my first fruits of Chester, for the fees whereof Mr. Tucker gave me a bill of £18 10. 6d. the clerk of the crown, of £6 for my first sitting in the House of Lords, and the chamber-keepers £l demanded. Dr. Dove was with me, and refused to sign the address, first, because not sent by the archbishop: I told him we had none, and I was his diocesan, as archdeacon. Secondly, because it referred to the declaration, for no portion whereof he could give Dr. Peter Mews, promoted by King James; but not concurring in his designs. b Tbis was the day of his call. Pointer, p. 342. thanks, without owning himself obliged for the whole. I wrote to Mr. Callis, Mr. Dean, and Dr. Fogg. 29. I was at the King's levee, saw the Quakers bring their address, was with Father P. Dined with my family and Mr. Taylor and Mr. Winwick, at Mr. William Coles. Went to the Bishop of Oxon, where I received the Bishop of Lincoln's letter concerning his approbation and promoting the address to the King;b which I shewed after to his Majesty in his closet, together with another letter from Mr. Massey, both which he highly approved of, and declared that such men as myself, who had always stuck to him...
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